A Change of Mind, Reuben is an office worker so meek and mild he puts up with
daily bullying from his boorish male colleagues as if it’s just a normal part
of his day. But when a stranger points him in the direction of a surgeon
offering a revolutionary new procedure, he can’t pass up the chance to turn his
life around.
this isn’t your average surgeon. For a start, he operates alone in a small room
above a mechanic’s. And he promises to alter his patients’ personality so they
can be anything they want to be…
Marissa, a man who is determined to find evidence of his girlfriend’s
infidelity ends up wondering if he should have left well alone.
Dog God finds a chink in the armour
of a man with a megalomaniacal desire to take over the world.
The Insomniac, a man who leads an obsessively regimented lifestyle on one
hour’s sleep a night finds a disruption to his routine doesn’t work for him.
In One sees a dedicated golfer
achieving a lifelong ambition.
Loner ends the collection on a note
of hope as two family members try to rebuild their lives after they are torn
apart by jealousy.
Nick Wilford is a writer and stay-at-home
dad. Once a journalist, he now makes use of those rare times when the house is
quiet to explore the realms of fiction, with a little freelance editing and
formatting thrown in. When not working, he can usually be found spending time
with his family or cleaning something. Nick is also the editor of Overcoming
Adversity: An Anthology for Andrew. You can find him hanging out on his blog or on Goodreads
or Twitter.
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A Note from Nancy
It's been a very long time since I posted here. The writing life has utterly consumed me, and I find time for little else these days. (I'm working on my third novel, another thriller, but hot, hot HOT in the romance department! Seems once you publish, you have to keep churning stories out so your readers don't forget you. And they have short memories and voracious appetites, so my beloved blog has suffered for it.
I miss all my blogger friends dearly. I wish I had time to make the rounds and see what everyone is up to. Many of you are on Facebook, so I see you often. Others are not, and therefore, I miss what they're up to. I worked hard to build up a following here, and I don't want to give my blog up completely.
So, if any of you would like to ever post here, please contact me via email at acadia1997@msn.com and use the subject line: MAY I BORROW YOUR BLOG? Then send me whatever you want and I'll schedule a post at your direction.